Trial Tips: Better Presentation – Exhibits

In addition to eDiscovery processing, i-Legal has been providing trial tech services since 2001.

Over the course of 100+ trials, we have learned a lot about the mechanics of trial presentation and how simple things can go a long way towards projecting an image of competence to a jury. We know that lawyers devote hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to getting ready for trial but can often come across as not being ready because their presentation and handling of exhibits is clumsy. Watching a witness hunt around for a notebook, fumble with papers or try to organize a myriad of documents on the stand and not be able to find the exhibit or the page is not always comfortable for juries.

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i-Legal’s i-View Demo Software (This is not a Trial)

When developing the web page, we spent some time thinking about how to advertise that a fully functional single case version of the software is available for free.

We didn’t care for “Free Trial” in that it denoted a version that was limited to specific period of time. While we currently say “Try i-View,” what we really mean is try i-View.

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Litigation Informatics & i-Legal

Informatics: the science of processing data for storage and retrieval; information science.


Litigation Informatics: The science of processing data for trial. Litigation, while obviously not a sport, is certainly a winner-take-all competition. Any trial attorney will tell you that more often than not, the attorney who is better-prepared wins. Preparation involves mastering all the facts as supported by documents, depositions and other evidence such as recording and video.

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